Sunday, May 8, 2016

Status of Uglyana Jones

Does anyone have any contact with Ana or knows her current status?  Just curious.  Thanks.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

At least it's music related...

I'm sorry, I had to get my nerd on, so yeah.... Only a couple days left!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Your Velvet schedule for Tuesday, August 25th

Tonight at the Velvet! It's Wise's new wave show at 3pm SLT, followed by Sanguine at 5pm SLT, and Hayes at 7pm.

Click here to visit the Velvet.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Your Velvet schedule for Monday, August 24th

Tonight at the Velvet it's Cajsa Lilliehook at 5pm, and YoYo Burckhardt at 7pm SLT.

Arrive in style: Click here to visit the Velvet

Monday, August 17, 2015

Your Velvet schedule for Monday, August 10th

Tonight at the Velvet it's Cajsa Lilliehook at 5pm, and YoYo Burckhardt at 7pm SLT.

Arrive in style: Click here to visit the Velvet

Friday, August 14, 2015

Your Velvet Schedule for Friday, August 14th

Tonight at Velvet things start at 3pm SLT! Come join us for a night filled with music.

3pm SLT - Boone Winsmore!
5pm SLT - Prof. Teri Ninetails
7pm SLT - Mackenzie Raveup
9pm SLT - Open fill