Friday, March 25, 2016

Come find the eggs at nine

Easter is coming and so are you ready?
But Jesus isn't really dead, or is he?
He well may have died, but I guess he'll be back
Like a very well shaved Schrodinger's cat
And before you get angry, offended, whatnot
Remember that Monday is half-off chocolate.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Let's get some music in here at nine

We don't know where we're going
We've forgotten where we've been
We seem to make the same mistakes
Over and then again

We don't ask for perfection
Maybe just a moment's rest
So we can be just you and me
Before doing what we detest

Friday, March 4, 2016

Here, kitty kitty, at nine

It's been an exhausting week, you know
Yet somehow it just went by like *that*
It makes me wish I'd spent it in instead
In bed with a good book and a couple of cats