Monday, November 12, 2012

Crystal Day....

Today is the official release of the third chapter of the decaying into urban darkness. This album is frustrating,black and tensive. It offers moments of ''clean air'' and most of it is a sad and angry side effect of taking the red pill of reality.
CRYSTAL CASTLES created another dark poem of punk electronica.Their third instalment is a spooked travel through 21st city decay.A not -cathartic romantic trip where the streets have no names and the people suffer from lack of heaven.I can't listen to it without my eyes wet and my chest tight.....
Today's musical Oddyssey (@ THE VELVET 3-5 pm slt) is also a trip to the modern city fears and its streets with no names. Songs from CRYSTAL CASTLES career, dark electronica, old new wave ,cyberpunk and some new songs ...Also songs from before Apocalypse as a more optimistic tone through this trip....We still believe in the stars you know....
"I'm one step away from being a vigilante to protect people and bring justice to the people I love'' [ Alice Glass 2012]

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