Friday, April 20, 2012

Black Lodgick (c)

Join me tomorrow, 5-7slt, for a David Lynch set, when I will play my favorite tracks from his films, along with entrancing witch house homages to the unique vision of this director. Expect noir sensibilities, haunting soundscapes, and traces of ever-so-delightful 60s kitsch.

A great 8-minute-long song, memorable in its harrowing, slow-burning feel, I probably won’t play, but you never know!

Kanjena will go on a surreal, unmistakably trippy venture before me, at 3-5slt, so pay a visit to the fun, quirky, but also occasionally nightmarish world of surrealism with us; the world as enigmatic and powerful as the unconscious itself.

1 comment:

  1. Best set ever in the Velvet !Way to go Mallory!Really inspired and most of all touched my feelings and memories !Thank you !
