Friday, December 20, 2013

(Some of) The Music of Frank Zappa

Friday the 20th, 7-9pm SL time - While he insisted his music not be remembered (as it was intended only for the time it was released), it's my pleasure to grate against the artist's postmortem druthers and present a two hour set of the music of Frank Zappa at The Velvet.

December might as well be declared an official Frank Zappa month; Wednesday the 4th was the 20th anniversary of the musician's death, and Saturday the 21st would have been his 71st birthday. What better time to construct a set of music showcasing this man's contributions? Frank Zappa's stances on social engineering, politics or pop culture, his genius in musical arrangement, his standing as guitar virtuoso and musical composer, and his willingness to say what he thought - often as sarcastically as possible and regardless of popular opinion - created, I suspect to Frank's chagrin, a legend.

For this evening, I have selected a fairly even mix of standard songs-with-vocals and straight-up instrumentals from the 1970-1985 period. Of course, there's a bonus here and there for the folks who enjoy the really early releases, but this is when Frank produced his best work, IMHO. In other words, tonight will feature a fairly approachable set of Frank's music, including a lion's share of live material, perfect for those not familiar with the artist's body of work. I hope you will attend tonight's set and experience the music of Frank Zappa for yourself.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Mash-ups at nine!

Tomorrow's a marathon, Bring lots of cash.
Tonight, it's playlist that's all full of mash.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Ugly's Community Celebration!

A while ago I did a last minute set about and inspired by a show with great music, Community.  Since then I've wanted to rework it and make it a proper set.  Today I'm celebrating Community, both the show and the concept.  Here's the theme to the show by The 88.  Enjoy!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Mahrathon at the Velvet: December 14th and 15th


Mahrathon at the Velvet: December 14th 3:48PM--December 15th 6PM:

Join DJ Maht Wuyts at Velvet for the fifth annual Mahrathon, 26.2 hours of music, dancing and fun to benefit Heifer International. The DJ will get tired, but the tunes never will. What a silly name for such a great cause! It's the most fun you can have raising money to help someone you may never meet. Grab some coffee, slip on some pajamas and your headphones, and strap in for a non-stop set of fantastic, eclectic music and help us help people in need.

Click here for in-world location.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Bring the thermals at nine

People are slipping and sliding
No cars can get any traction
The weather is quickly dividing
The spectators from all the action.
The weathermen predicted freezing
The weathermen predicted ice
The children must find it all pleasing
The schools are closed. Oh, how nice!

The Name Game

7-9pm Friday, Dec. 6th :: A few weeks ago I did a "What's in a Name" set at another venue, and it went over so well that I've polished it up for you good folks at The Velvet for this evening. I've gone through my library for those songs that have the same name, but aren't covers of each other. There were a lot more of these than I first suspected; in fact, there's only one time in this two-hour set that the same song gets played twice (by separate artists, natch). Surprisingly, there remains some sort of musical congruence to the whole thing. Deadmau5 to Neil Young, Rush to Norah Jones, Flogging Molly to Yes ... yet it all makes sense, somehow. Hope to see you all tonight!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Throwing a Tantrum!

Here's a song by the great Fitz & The Tantrums.  It's impossible not to feel like dancing to their music!  Press play and see for yourself.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Iconic Women of Indie!

Today for the 10th Anniversary Celebration for Pepito Radio I'm packing a whole hour full of music from the women who have innovated and influenced the indie scene, along with a few tracks from notable newcomers.  This is my favorite video ever by one of the most kick-ass women out there, Amanda Fucking Palmer!  Warning:  It is addictive.

Friday, November 29, 2013

At feast! At nine!

Oh, but there's so much food
I hope you brought your appetite
Our hunger cannot withstand
The strength of every dish
We'll lick them clean until they're reflective
Why, with every menu you could wish
From every culture and land
You have to try at least a bite
To not do so would be rude!

Friday, November 22, 2013

JFK? No way!

I had to work and could not see
The hallowed events held downtown
To...celebrate? Jack Kennedy
And when Lee Harvey shot him down.
But let me say, our motives now
Are nothing, if not of the purist
Type of grief. And so we vow
Not to fleece any poor tourist.

I'm sure you know these words are true:
"You can't say Dallas doesn't love you."

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

More Outlaw Ugly!

I had so much fun with the Breaking Bad/Outlaw theme a few weeks ago that I'm doing a sequel.  One of my very favorite tracks in the set is Wye Oak's "The Altar."  Enjoy!

Saturday, November 2, 2013


Of course, in this modern age, we just let the machines do it for us....

This also means that Gypsy will be playing an EXTRA HOUR.

Friday, November 1, 2013

This will make sense after 8.

We don't know where it's going
We can't imagine where it's been
Pushed along the desert sky
By western blowing winds
We talk about it personally
We feel it all together
I'm so glad we had this time
To talk. And now, the weather!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Hope to haunt at nine

I forgot to be clever
I forgot to be smart
But I remembered poor Lovecraft
And so that's half a start

He came to us from New England
He lived up on the East Coast
And the dream that he had in a big spooky house
Are the dreams that we remember most.

Halloweekend at Velvet: October 26-27

Halloweekend at Velvet: October 26-27

A chill fog rolls in from the sea, and a sound pierces the night...

Is it music?

You pull your coat tight to your throat and walk through the trees.

What kind of music? Jazz? Indie? Darkwave?

Something dark swirls around you and you realize, with a start, where you are.

It's the Velvet's Halloweekend-—two days of music from SL's most deranged minds—-and you may not make it back...unchanged.

Saturday: Sunday:
9Cajsa Lilliehook (two hours!)
11Galdor Willenov
12Brodie Oleander 12Zoidyn Kytori
1Wiseblood Wisent 1Zhu Bajie
2Albert Gainsbourg 2Lucy
3Chrisodd 3Maht Wuyts
4Baxter Aubin 4NTropy Sellers
5Mallory Cerise 5Ghosty Kips
6Uglyana Jones 6Dammi Quan
7Blanche 7Ayako Guerrero
8Paradox Messmer 8Giara Diller-Borgnine
9GypsyDoctor Donat 9Caden Aviatik
10Jennis 10Lolotehe Menoptra

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Horror Disco

The impact of b-movies was always a challenge for musicians to create scores of stylish doom anthems or songs that chills your spine at its best or at least makes you have a really fun time listening to it.
Young musicians /producers/label mates and owners Vercetti Technicolor and Antoni Maiovvi have been burning their braincells with tons of horror movies and their soundtracks especially from from the movie genre Giallo. As their Giallo Disco label press release describes :
«..specialize in a strange niche of electronic music, known as Horror Disco. Specially crafted atmospheric, cinematic dance music taking influence from Italo Disco, Krautrock, New Beat, EBM, House, Techno and most importantly the film scores of the 70s and 80s (think Argento's Tenebrae, Fulci's Zombie and John Carpenter's Escape From New York...»
    They own a ton of vintage electronic machines which they use to produce music inspired and sounding like a new,updated less murky/more enjoyable and easy to dance to Start listening from here and I am pretty sure that you'll be attracted to all their individual works....
Chrisodd and Myrdin Sommer will bring those sounds among other Haloween and horror inspired ,electronic,goth and rock  tunes merged with a powerful light show  and suspense, as a part of THE VELVET's great weekend tribute to HALOWEEN,on Saturday the 26th of October 2013 between 3 and 4 pm slt ! Ready to feel chilled ?

Another Proggy Night

King Crimson
What surprised me most about my first night spinning at the Velvet was the number of people who said to me, "I've never heard this kind of music before." I still don't understand how that's possible, but SOMETHING MUST BE DONE! Therefore it's time to put all the other stuff away and serve up another heaping helping of the whimsical, flamboyant, over-the-top flappery that is progressive rock. This Friday, 7-9pm SL, expect more from the likes of King Crimson, EL&P, Yes, Spock's Beard, Gentle Giant, Jethro Tull and much more. I do hope to see you there.

Friday, October 18, 2013

We start casting at nine

Now, beneath that waxy moon,
Add garlic, clove, bay leaf, mandrake...
Then throw in a dash of tunes,
Add some dear friends. That's all it takes.
And you will find out pretty soon
What kind of fun we all can make.

Upps! feeds bloggers!: Join us

Upps! feeds bloggers!: Join us

My Blog is on your feed already but, the URL is changing can you please update the link for Bellessima?

The new URL is:

The old URL is:

Thank you <3

Anabelle Marquis

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Inspired by Breaking Bad, today's set is an exploration of outlaws.  This song was featured on the show and shaped the set.  Enjoy!

Friday, October 11, 2013

"That boy ain't right...." at nine

Oh, the Kindred and the Garou can be friends
Yes, the Kindred and the Garou can be friends
One is gonna bleed ya
And the other just might eat ya
But, the Kindred and the Garou can be friends.....

Friday, October 4, 2013

Dead and undead dance at nice

Halloween! It's coming soon
With all its parties and parades
So, it's quite safe to presume
We'll have ghouls and other shades....

Monday, September 30, 2013

I promised you....

The moment is at 1:50.

Oh, let's not dwell on it. Here's what I listened to as the sun came out, after a long day of rain:

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A Llama Says Hello!

My name is Ghosty Kips, and I am the newest addition to the list of great DJs at The Velvet. Well, some people think I'm a great DJ; I'm a bit too modest for all that. I just like doing what I do, and hopefully, you will like it too.

I'll be making my debut with a 2-hour set on Friday, September 27th at 7pm SL time. It somehow ended up that I'll be doing a prog rock set (Longer songs! Less work!), and if all that flourish and flamboyance is too much, I know a bunneh we can affix blame to. But I don't think that'll be necessary. Future sets will likely be more along the lines of what-do-I-feel-like-playing-now affairs (I like everything from EDM, to post-punk, to good old classic rock), and the occasional theme set might happen from time to time.

Anyway, enough babble. I'm looking forward to meeting all of you on Friday, and I hope you enjoy the music I'll bring to The Velvet.


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Autumn Mood

I'm still in an Autumn mood from this weekend's Metachromism event, so today I'm continuing with some chill tunes, like this dreamy song by La Sera.  Enjoy!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Feline at nine

"English is best, you can take it from me!"
Declared a cat named One-Two-Three.
To prove that it should be the case
He challenged another to a race.
The other cat, named Un-Deux-Trois
Thought his language should be the law
And to show the might of his dear Français
He and his opponent, one fine day,
From England to France, both tried to swim.
In such a race, now, who should win?
One-Two-Three had French to thank
For un deux trois quatre cinq.

Metachromatism at the Velvet: September 21, 12PM through 11PM

Metachromatism at the Velvet: September 21, 12PM through 11PM

The end of summer is more than just a shortening of days and advent of cooler weather, more than autumn’s opening act. Autumn brings the stunning majesty of the changing leaves, the crisp furnace air near a bonfire with friends. Autumn brings us new activities: football, a fresh school year, Homecoming dances, pies baking in the oven, new constellations in the sky, the shortening of days, warm blankets at night.

With all the reds and gold, ochres and umbers to be found during this season, Velvet invites you to come share a weekend with us rejoicing and relaxing in a splendid park. We'll have some of SL's finest DJs paying tribute to the beauty, transformation, and the decay of autumn, highlighted by a spectacular light show. On the day before Equinox, the celestial event when light and darkness reach the state of balance, the magnificence and the poignancy of the season will form a similar balance musically.

Join us as we play season-inspired music and shake like the autumnal winds until there's nothing left on the trees but the echoes of the last song played.


12 Mallory
1 Wise
2 Baxter
3 Chris
4 Lucy
5 Dammi
6 Jonesy
7 Ophelia
8 Blanche
9 Lolo
10 Gypsy

Friday, September 13, 2013

Remember, it's at nine.

Last year, on this day,
I just didn't play
And I bet you aren't wondering why.
But, tonight, if you're free
Come on and listen to me.
There's a thing that I'm dying to try.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

I hear colours v.2 !

The first two editions were a great experience and we mean to repeat it on Saturday ,September 14th.From 3 to 5 pm slt Myrdin will give light birth to Chrisodd's sonic panarama that combines  American,Greek,English,Italian and Turkish classic and new psychedelic songs and electronic dreamy trips to the future ....Be prepared !

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Arcade Fire + David Bowie = Awesome

Today's set is built around Arcade Fire's new release featuring David Bowie.  Enjoy!

Friday, September 6, 2013

I return at nine.

I had a lot of fun at the anime convention last weekend and now I'm back to play non-anime music. Lucky you!

I'm sorry that I went away
I'm happy that I'm back
And, tonight, the stuff I play
Should help to reflect that.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Partying like '90's!

A nostalgic set full of some of my '90's favourites ! Let;s party @ The Velvet on Saturday ,7th ! 3-5 pm slt! History repeating!

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Sally Dige

She's a Danish Canadian artist and her second 7'' in the ''hot'' for me label ''Night School records'',  is a stylish postwave full of smooth basslines and twilight melodies.
''..a haunted hymn to self-erasing..'' as her label describes and my Autumn music collection will start from this and some excellent new releases from that label.
In case you pass by this Saturday,August 31 from The Velvet club,you'll have the chance to listen some of them,parading fresh and  promising between 3-5 pm slt...

Friday, August 23, 2013

By means of explanation at nine

Tonight I helped a buddy
Who'd fallen down on his luck.
It seems, his apartment complex
Set upon him with a tow-truck.

We left early this evening
For where said car had been tossed
And about an hour later
We discovered we were lost.

I hear colours v.1!

Well we will do it again! Tomorrow Saturday,August 24th @ the Velvet! A strong set based on psychedelic rock,electronic alternatives and some memories.
Myrdin Sommer will flow the lights to the sound stream created by Chrisodd and I guess the club will become a multicoloured sound experience again.
Join us  tomorrow 3-5 pm slt  as usual. Turn on! Tune in !Turn your minds around!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

I hear colours !

Well,it was simple. On Saturday, August 17th I was playing my set as usual at The Velvet and one of the guests who is always coming as a state of the art (avatar and clothing),asked me if she could try out her light-show skills.I said OK,because I always want to match some of my tunes with addictive particles and multicoloured effects.I did some tests myself at previous sets but I didn't had the chance to make a full force light set,lacking the skills and the material. But Myrdin Sommer had a full light weaponry with her and what she did turned a usual night/day at The Velvet a time to remember.Based on some particles and mostly her own spectacular creations made a parallel vision set that matched almost perfect with the tunes. Her début night as a lights jockey or magician was a success !

My beloved Uglydalking made the amazing video below,which captures the whole spirit of the day.In this video you watch holographic mushrooms taking over the club,me trying to balance joy ,list arranging,facebook and group chat promoting trying not cheering from joy at the same time,  and all the guests who had the luck to pass by or remain, having some unforgettable moments,dancing ,getting impressed or swimming like a mermaid in the light sea.
 It was really fun.I want to thank everyone who came and shared this magic with us. 
You can see video,play list and and more photos below,shot by me and Myrdin.
I strongly recommend to view video in Hd mode..
...The playlist :
Chrisodd's playlist of his Saturday,August 17,2013 Velvet set :
1. Stare Into The Sun - SHINING BIRD
2 . China Town - DESTROYER
3. Colors In The Whites Of Your Eyes - HEAVEN
4. Sugarcrush - JOANNA GRUESOME
5. Human Probe - POP.1280
6. I Hear Colours - THE BLACK ANGELS
7. The Garden Of Earthly Delights - THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
8. Big Big Blood - LA LUZ
9. Sorrow - FRANKIE ROSE
10. We Hit A Wall - CHELSEA WOLFE
11. She's Never Satisfied - FLAAMINGOS
12. Dancefloor Midnite - AEON SABLE
13. Pink Hallowen - ROLADEX
14. The Revolution Won't Be Televised - A VICTIM OF SOCIETY
15. Point Break - ASHRAE FAX
16. This Is The True Heart - JULIA HOLTER
17. Only Lonely Lovers - PURE BATHING CULT
18. Eyes Without A Face - LUST
20. Back Together - ANNIE AND RICHARD X.
21 . Golden Hour - PRINCE INNOCENCE
22. Mega Church - IKONIKA
23 Isis - ZOMBIE
24. Cliff Barnes - ACTRESS PETS
25. Funk Transmission - UPPERMOST
26. Golden Girls (moullinex Edit ) - DEVENDRA BANHART
27. Come Save Me( Andy Weatherall Remix) - JAGWAR MA
28. Pretty Revolutionaries - MICROFILM FT. SARAH NIXEY

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Colors In The Whites Of Your Eyes !

This is not a song that brings the rock history in front of a great change .Possibly your ears will be coloured.Brightly!

Friday, August 16, 2013

You ready to rock at eight?

Oh, look! Peter Noone. I've been told many times that he loves me and cares about what I have to say.

Old UK beat bands
I think I heard it before
No, wait. Maybe not.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

5 Stages

Today's set is a journey through the five stages of grief.  Sad bastardry guaranteed.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Human Probe...

Raw,wild and dark...Devouring sound !!! Their new album is like diving in a noisy sea of sound.The trip is good no matter what you think!

Friday, August 9, 2013

This will make more sense at nine.

Then, after this world's weariness
Rises up, in warmth and light
We imitate the lioness
To settle still in silent night.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Set some time aside at nine

I didn't really prepare
I hope that that is fine
I would have work on it
But I don't have the time.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

It's Real, Sur!

In today's set (3 pm to 5 pm SLT) I take on The Surreal.  Confusion and déjà vu likely likely likely.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Xmas in Jvly

I'm pretty sure that little girl done killed a boy with her shiny shoes. Then, she burned a feller to death. She's a bad seed, she is. Only reason she'd be wanting an animal like that, for eatin' up all them bodies of the folks she done killed. I'm sure of it.

Or, it's just a cute novelty song that Ed took too long to introduce.

It would make a great horror movie, though.

I come across just so much stuff
Some is lousy; some is grate
But the good things, sure enough,
I like to collect and curate.
But just tonight, I'd like to try
A little Christmas in July

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Today's set was about tranquility and my favorite selection was turned in by Baxter Aubin, Dreamsicle Bomb by Black Moth Super Rainbow.  Enjoy!

Friday, July 19, 2013

It's not all like this, I swear.

You really have to appreciate those satin pants; they detract from everyone's tiny, tiny, malnourished teeth. I keep waiting for Peter Serafinowicz to appear and do the punch-line.

Garage bands from behind the iron curtain
It's sad none of these were ever big hits
With anyone, of which we can be certain,
Besides the proletariat.

Mid-Year Album Picks from Galdor

"Foals - Holy Fire
3rd album from the band, shows a strong old fashion guitar base band. Awesome tunes with sounds going back and forth from pop to hard rock will make you jump to your feet and dance away.

Daft Punk - Random Access Memory
After waiting for just too long for this release while promotion over flooded the media, everything pointed for this band to disappoint but, after hearing the whole album for the first time it made me think this two guys really pull it off nicely. Sometimes so different from the other albums but in all, not so far from the distinctive sound we're used to.

Johnny Marr - The Messanger
Not much more to say about this album but FREAKING AWESOME.
From The Smiths, working with Bernard Summers (New Order) in Electronic to Modest Mouse and now as Solo, Marr still has too much to offer. A must have in any music library.

Other albums that i had to leave out but are worth mentioning are:
- Bonobo - The North Borders
- Beady Eyes - BE
- Eels - Wonderful, Glorious
- Depeche Mode - Delta Machine
- City Society - City Society
- Guards - In Guards We Trust
- The KVB - Immaterial Visions
- Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - Push the Sky Away
- The Neighbourhood - I Love You
and many others… so much to hear, so little time…"

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Mid-Year Album Picks from Lucy

"Savages - I am Here
Ok, so this is derivative, and very Siouxsie, but it's done so stylishly, so darn well that it keeps knocking my little black socks off. Faultless really.

Lebanon Hanover - Why Not Just Be Solo
Slight cheat as this was released in 2012 but I seem to recall late 2012. I don't care anyhow as it's a marvel of introspective, angsty, nihilism. 'Sadness is Rebellion' as their strapline goes and LH are rebelling against everything with thundering bass, staccato drums and discordant guitars guaranteed to raise the hairs on your neck. I adore it :)

Editors - The Weight of Your Love
Hmm, edges in here due to the first three tracks being absolutely storming. The jury's out on the remainder but the Bunnymen-esque start really is that good that I'll forgive the remaining tracks pretty much anything."

Monday, July 15, 2013

Moby Tenenbaum's Mid-Year Album Picks

"•    “Floating Coffin,” by Thee Oh Sees. No band pulls together psychedelia, noise, garage, and punk into one neat ball—and has so much fun doing it.
•    “Heza,” by Generationals. The third album by two guys from New Orleans and their friends. Shimmering, catchy, mostly upbeat tunes that draw from a variety of sources—Britpop and Motown among them—and are filtered through a contemporary indie-rock lens. (I also saw them perform live in a small club a couple months ago in front of an adoring crowd and can attest that they’re the real deal.)
•    “Head in the Dirt,” by Hanni El Khatib. Young California dude whose rock ‘n’ roll soul is as pure as the driven snow and tinged mostly by garage and blues. His first album, “Will the Guns Come Out,” was one of the year’s best in 2011 and his newest one is better yet. He’ll remind you of the Black Keys’ Dan Auerbach, who produced this album."
Photos from the sim anniversary event:

The Velvet's Anniversary Party

The Velvet's Anniversary Party

Saturday, July 13, 2013

This makes no sense

And it has nothing to do with what I'm playing tonight. I just thought I'd share.

Post 400! Wooooo!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Jazz Fever isn't real

We'll test that statement later tonight, as I play as much jazz as I can. Hell, I might have so much left over, we'll have to play some tomorrow as well. I don't know. I just listen to the spirit of jazz as it moves me.

I debated both sides for most of the day:
Should tonight's set be stuff, such as,
The un-danceable stuff I've been longing to play
Or should I just fall back on jazz?
I don't know why I make a fuss.

The choice is rather obvious.

Splash & Burn: The Velvet Sim 1st Anniversary Party

Splash & Burn: The Velvet Sim 1st Anniversary Party

Come help the Velvet celebrate their first anniversary of their home sim by cooling your heels at an all weekend pool party! 25 of your favorite Velvet DJs will spin fantastic music for at least 12 hours each day, at our specially-built outdoor pool. This is the kind of event you'll want to tell your prim grandchildren you attended, so bring your towel and some sunscreen and get ready for a summer bash that will haunt your dreams for months to come. We'll supply the lifeguards and the music. No running.

Poster by Dammi Quan <3

Saturday (July 13)

12 Giara
1 Wiseblood Wisent
2 Paradox Messmer
3 Chrisodd
4 Brodie Oleander
5 Dammi Quan
6 Baxter Aubin
7 Blanche
8 Uglyana Jones
9 GypsyDoctor Donat
10 Lolotehe Menoptra

Sunday (July 14)

8 Maht Wuyts
9 Cajsa Lilliehook
10 Galdor Willenov
11 Frequency Picnic
12 Albert Gainsbourg
1 Ophelia Balczo
2 Lucy
3 Mallory Cerise
4 YoYo Burckhardt
5 Bettie Bouscario
6 Teri Ninetails
7 Hezzy Veeper
8 Dexy Balazic
9 Napili Sands
10 Caden Aviatik

Mid-Year Picks from Sean Glassman

"My picks with no supporting reasoning other than to say this is what I have liked most so far and am too lazy to elaborate:

1) Telekinesis- Dormarion
2) The National -  Trouble Will Find Me
3) Teleman - No real album out yet just a couple singles. New band that consists of 3 of the 4 members from Pete & the Pirates."

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Dexy's Top 5 of 2013, so far...

Fuzz - Sleigh Ride 7" (In The Red)
Shannon and the Clams - Dreams in the Rat House LP (Hardly Art)
Hunx / Cassie Ramone split 7" (Famous Class)
Summer Twins - Forget Me EP (Burger Records)
Best Coast - Fear of Identity 7" (Mexican Summer)

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Chrisodd's mid 2013's picks....

Not exactly that we had tremendous releases of fresh and new sounds.But we had pleasant surprises from older artists and groups that came back after a long time  and really breathtaking débuts that set new co ordinations to already known genres (post punk mostly).
Also some excellent compilations of historical value and only one that defines the best area of electronic pop that may cause intense inner vibrations and excessive heartbeats.
 But there were a lot of songs that '' map'' , ''design'' or ''redesign''  music territories that will be paced in the near future. For this little review on the first half of 2013, I picked 16 albums with no effort but for the five ones that had to make it to the top-5 it was really hard.

 An intense,cheerful and virtuoso musical battle full of air,fire and earth elements .You are experiencing the sound of nature in Spring!

Rio del Plata masters of Latin America's contemporary music scene return with a gigantic,rich album that wraps up their music aesthetic. A passionate musical trip to the music of the soul,the sentiments and the love of music.

Storming bass grooves,crystal guitar lines,capturing and haunting melodies.A master work of post post dark wave supremacy that put my senses on fire and my nostalgia in the deepest blue . Irresistible, flaming,sensational,poetical and dreamy....

They are scoring before they enter the field ,with that outrageous cover and the genius surf riff through the hellish post punk/disco stomp of the opener song ''Antitaxi''..Then it's easy to take over our souls with this stylish French spoken groovy,sensational hard to define in one word music...

 It's the rage feeling of the decent human being who cannot tolerate the loud decadence of this western/free my ass society. Anger is an energy.Especially the sober and cold blooded one.It looks straight to the eyes of the Beast.This is a fearless band,making concentrated music,eager to ignite boredom and dumbness to the core. A call to the arms ? A wake up call at least ! Still sleeping after listening that ?

..And the compilation I was mentioned a few lines up :
- V.A.  -   AFTER DARK 2

As in the first part ,this new part defines and suggests at the same time the side of electronic pop of this decade that wins the throne without dragons,spells,corruption or dire wolves. 
Johnny Jewel and all the artists that are involved here contribute with top tunes and place the Italians do it better label at the top rank of today's pop.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Uglyana Jones' Mid-Year Albums

This is impossible, but the albums I've enjoyed so far in 2013 are:

Vampire Weekend - Modern Vampires of the City
The National - Trouble Will Find Me
Camera Obscura - Desire Lines

With honorable mentions to Editor's The Weight of Your Love and Phosphorescent's Muchacho.  Maybe The Joy Formidable's Wolf Law because it sounds like celestial grunge rock.  I have a headache now, too many choices!

Mallory's Mid-Year Picks

In Death It Ends - Occvlt Machine

Mater Suspiria Vision - Serenity

Aghast Manor - Penetrate


In Death It Ends - Cold Silent

Mater Suspiria Vision - Serenity (In Death It Ends Remix)

And for Aghast Manor... As Andrea explains: Penetrate is in a way for me a journey through the typical clandestine stereotypes of different European countries, like the songs ’Fleur De Marie’ and ’Today Is My Day’ with atmospheres of Paris’ shady cabarets and colourful harlots. Or songs like ’Asylum ’45’ and ’Worship Me’ with images of Dominas, German asylums and wicked wardens, or the mighty ’The Venice Murder’ which is supposed to invoke images of Venice gloom, phantoms and poisoners, or the bizarre song ’Spy On The Wall’ which reminds me of a James Bond movie with all the creepy Eastern spies jumping from behind doors... Aghast Manor has a lot of ’Galgenhumor’ and I want the music to be there for everybody who likes to enjoy a little strange and haunting’s best enjoyed alone at night!” (Press release)

Friday, July 5, 2013

Follow along at home (at Nine)

To celebrate Egypt's recent foray into representative government, I thought I'd liberate your hips from their sockets with some belly-moving tunes.

Two revolutions in two years!
(Once again, Tahrir Square starred).
But really, let's be honest here.
True democracy is HARD!

Baxter Aubin's Mid-Year Album Picks

"I’m going to do a Top 5, because two of the albums on my list are technically from 2012, but I didn’t hear them until this year – Clairy Browne’s Baby Caught the Bus, and Jenny Hval’s Innocence is Kinky. I believe another one was a 2012 release in Europe but didn’t make it to the US until this year – Jacco Gardner’s Cabinet of Curiosities. Rounding out the list are The Savages’ Silence Yourself and Frank Turner’s Tape Deck Heart. Honorable mentions to Colleen Green for Sock It To Me, Yo La Tengo for Fade, and Parquet Courts for Light Up Gold. Can I be any more indecisive? Yes! I reserve the right to totally change my mind for the year-end list."

Baxter plays at the Velvet on Wednesdays, 5-7SLT.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Concept for Tuesday, July 9, 2013 - Tranquility

Thanks to everyone who participated in today's concept set about Vendettas.  The theme for next week, Tuesday, July 9, 2013, is Tranquility.  The due date for submissions is Sunday, July 7, 2013.  I look forward to hearing from you!  For inspiration:

There are two sides to every story…except for this one!

When you sleep you'll feel my icy fingers
crawling down your back
And when you wake you'll find me right beside you
Waiting to attack
And when you walk I will be right behind you
Quickening my steps
And when you try to shut me out
I will be laughing in your head

This week I learned to be more careful with the concepts I choose for my sets.  I was nearly overwhelmed by the darkness that envelops all other emotions that go into the formation and execution of a vendetta.  There are certainly lighter aspects, such as humor and the high one gets from anger, but in this musical exploration of vendettas I found the two most prominent components to be twisted rage and a disturbingly high amount of obsession.  This set is not for the faint of heart.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Heating it up at eight.

The song we should forget is this one, which is a cover of this one, which is from the late 50s.

The end of June is here at last
And now, with warmer weather
We wave good-bye to comforts past
And know it won't get better.

Or, to be more clear on just what I meant,
Come down, tip the club, and help pay the rent.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

This song by The Shins from their 2003 album, Chutes too Narrow, is part of the inspiration for the theme of today's set, The Sublime.  Enjoy!

Friday, June 21, 2013

High Comedy--an hour early

Oh! Look! It's the Beatles doing that part from Shakespeare's "Midsummer Night's Dream" that everyone forgets about.

Yeah, it wasn't all faeries. I mean, sure, there were the young lovers (Helen Mirren! David Warner!), but there were also those very course players who wanted to put on a show.

Speaking of shows, I'm putting on one tonight at eight.

'Tis midsummer, the shortest night,
But first day of summer, so say we!
To celebrate this longest light
(And lack of creativity)
To Velvet's floor, you, I invite,
To mock my rather blatant theme.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Kreativ In Den Boden - Longinus

Kreativ In Den Boden - Longinus

hoc est sepulchrum intus cadaver non habens
hoc est cadaver sepulchrum extra non habens
sed cadaver idem est sepulchrum sibi

This is a tomb without a corpse
This is a corpse which is not contained by a tomb
but the corpse and the tomb are one and the same

Friday, June 14, 2013

The weekend starts at nine

Hey, I got a thing tonight
That I would like to try
Because...yeah. That's basically it.
Care to stop by?

Friday, June 7, 2013

You'll never see what hit you....

In Japan, Sengoko period,
Came the ninja, or shinobi
The stuff of legend! Methods myriad...
The silent hand of high decree.

So, for my first set of this June
I'm going to play some Ninja Tune.

BTW: The movie these clips are taken from, Ninja Squad, is one of the worst films out there.

The Velvet gets Ugly

Heya Velvet Lovelies!

I am making my premiere as a DJ on Tuesday, June 18, 2013.  I'm going to do my sets a bit different than the norm, and this is where you will be invaluable.  Each week I am going to post a new theme and invite people to send me recommendations for songs that encapsulate that theme for them.  The theme for my first set on 06/18 is "The Sublime."  I made a Pinterest page to give you ideas about what I am looking for: .  Send me an NC in-world or email me at with your suggestions.  Thanks for your help!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Mykki Blanco - The Initiation

Seriously weird and fierce. The muscles of the psyche in the state of unbearable tension, in hell.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Dancing on the Selfways ....

So you step out tonight for  haunted Saturday night tour on the edge of the city...But,a stop at the Velvet might be great to fill up your guts...
Chrisodd will be there at 3-5 pm slt ,unleashing indie,punk,rock,pop tonics for the late night oddyssey through the Selfways...
Did I mention that i don't count time as hours ?  Except maybe the time of the ''gathering''...

Friday, May 31, 2013

Girl can rock a pantsuit

No show from me; just so you know,
I'm at a convention tonight!
My slot will be filled by Yoyo
(I know that doesn't sound quite right).
Oh, so be it. I guess. YOLO!
Make sure you tip the club, a'ight?

Monday, May 27, 2013

Fractures - Twisted

This song is oddly addictive and perfect in its injuriously gentle, haunting impact.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Blacker than Black at nine

It's really hard to find movie clips from the movie "2010" on Youtube, now that it's a year that stuff actually happened.

This is an Aeolian harp.

I griped about it last week
But that old complaint is back.
This time, the cat got hairs of white
On all my clothes of black.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Velvet Darkness: Goth Day celebration all day tomorrow!

"The way is not easy, I know, but I will take you by the hand and lead you through the cruel light into the velvet darkness" Vincent Price in the "Masque of the Red Death"

Tomorrow, Wednesday May 22nd is World Goth Day, a day to celebrate all things dark, dangerous, eerie, melancholy and wicked. Leather and lace and corsets and kohl and tall shiny boots. Come to the Velvet that day and enter the Cruel Garden of Dark Delights where aural roses with many thorns will prick your brain as grown by DJs/goth gardeners Enthropy Panache, Lucretia, Chrisodd, Paradox Messmer and Mallory Cerise from 11am-9pm SLT. Let us seduce you with our schedule for that day's macabre happenings:

11am-1pm: Enthropy Panache
1-3pm: Lucretia1995 (Lucy)
3-5pm: Chirsodd
5-7pm: Paradox Messmer
7-9pm: Mallory Cerise

Monday, May 20, 2013

''..Did I mention I was in love... with you ? / Did I mention you were too ..with me ?''

  Texan duo of  VULGAR FASHION,  recently released their first proper 10 '' e.p. of the same title .
''Krystal Tearz''  is a high class '' sentimental bleeding'' electro pop with the proper tearful lyrics. Bites like a snake and it's extremely painful .. Still one of the best tracks of this year...Keep listening it for days and mostly ..nights. Also at THE VELVET club in SL today between 3 - 5 pm slt among new releases....

Friday, May 17, 2013

Whiter than White at nine

I've got a lot of complaints
But my special one this night
Is how my sweet tuxedo cat
Gets black hairs on my whites.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Filling for YoYo at Seven

Filling in for Yoyo once again;
He promised to come back next week.
These pick-ups, every now and then,
Help keep things fresh, so to speak.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Kanga Roo..

You can blame the '70's music for anything you like. But you can't take out the big true feelings that certain tunes evoke. Being in love,break ups,next morning blackness, painful truths and more. You can't ignore the fact that they offer the ultimate hug of comforting or a pillow to cry on.
I guess that happened to me these days. Feeling comfortable and pretty well balanced,bleeding inside with the songs I'll present you tomorrow at the Velvet
This particular BIG STAR song was covered successfully by THIS MORTAL COIL at the '80's.That band was responsible for making me looking more carefully to the '70's side I was ignoring. 
All these and many more will be exposed in my tomorrow Monday set ,3-5 pm slt ,partly confessional,partly suggestive for faster heartbreak healing, set.
I hope you 'll be there to listen some very carefully selected tunes from that era.There will be some '60's and '80's leaks but we are mostly '70's tomorrow.A side of my music taste that you rarely listen there but so significant for me in painful periods of my life....I will be proud to share it with you and be happy to see a lot of you there tomorrow.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Giant Rasta Eyeballs at nine.

They look at you through everywhere
They peer through form and screen.
What do we know about these eyes?
Well, that's yet to be seen....

Rock Drama !

Yes it will be a quite different set. Chrisodd dives through the '70's rock pool,picking some powerful songs about love,desparation,memories,heartaches,sorrow etc. Songs from JOURNEY,BLUE OYSTER CULT,FLEETWOOD MAC, HEART,BRYAN FERRY,LOVE, THE BAND etc..
Mostly classic rock then, with some spicy exceptions. Come down at THE VELVET this Monday ,May 13th from 3-5 pm slt...
Extremely sentimental,be prepared for  wet  eyes and heavy breaths...

Monday, May 6, 2013

Covering for Yoyo tonight. We start at seven!

Did you have a good weekend?
This week has just begun.
I had a nice brunch yesterday
And got way too much sun.
(But only on my right arm. Very annoying.)

Freakshow of dreams...

Today comes to Velvet.From 3 to 5 pm slt. A music freakshow that might be painful for the sensitive souls and not at all amusement.But they exist and we honor them through songs and concept works. Go in worlds this Monday and ''live'' with them  for two hours.


A machinima by Falcao Real of the Circus of Dreams.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Circus of Dreams - Clowns

When I was a kid, I always used to mix up the songs "Be a Clown" with Make Em Laugh. I don't know why, because I never thought clowns were all that funny.

As I've come to discover, I share that sentiment with a great number of people. From Bart Simpson's "Can't sleep. Clown will eat me" to Stephen King's It, clowns are just one of those things that people DON'T LIKE. They're creepy.

And so are spiders.

So, with that in mind, I'd dedicating my hour of our Circus of Dreams to clowns. People hate spiders; people hate clowns. I can live with that.

Oderint dum metuant, I always say. And you will. Oh, yes. You will...